Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday evening blues

Well another boring weekend what can i say nothing to do but study and nap. Not actually just some time to spend alone not always a bad thing. Actually went out on sat and was amazed at the way some people conduct themselves and say they are adults. How about the super materialistic people that will not talk to you unless your wearing all the brand name labels and flashy jewelry. I think when you meet someone out like at a club or bar that you are really just meeting the shell they want you to see. They all have great jobs and make big money have no cares in the world. They have the hair all done up nails shinning smelling like about two hundred dollars of perfume spilled on them. Then you sometimes get to know them and the shell has a crack, look in is the grass really greener on the other side . Don't get me wrong i love the ladies but i think if you wanna meet someone and be truthful the whole way why all the bullshit dating games? I think society has people geared to think that way to make it all seem better than it really is. Why sugar coat the truth because people these days cannot handle the truth the are so used to being PC and not wanting to offend anyone that society has become this big sissy we have to appease or they will get upset. These are just some of the reasons that i have a real problem with people in general these days. No respect not a care for the person beside them as long as they can step on you on their way to the top.


  1. I absolutely agree 100%! Anyone can be who they wanna be when they get dressed up to go out at the bar or night club. Its no different then talking to someone on the computer nowadays. Its a facade...Its all about that picture perfect life. WOW! I am realizing Ray Bradbury's book is not dead on with his interpretation of this world!...That's quite scary.

  2. It is just sad that people do not feel comfortable enough in their own lives that they have to try to control others.

  3. Based on this post, I can surmize that you were pretty into our lecture topic today!! But I honestly understand where you are coming from with this point of view...and as a woman, I can tell you that we do experience it from the other side as well--men are just as likely to present a facade, and its really just a cracked veneer. I think we are all just damaged.

    And yes, Bradbury's book really does lead us to a path of enlightenment :) As Bob Marley once said "Emancipate yourself from mental slavery"
