Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday evening blues

Well another boring weekend what can i say nothing to do but study and nap. Not actually just some time to spend alone not always a bad thing. Actually went out on sat and was amazed at the way some people conduct themselves and say they are adults. How about the super materialistic people that will not talk to you unless your wearing all the brand name labels and flashy jewelry. I think when you meet someone out like at a club or bar that you are really just meeting the shell they want you to see. They all have great jobs and make big money have no cares in the world. They have the hair all done up nails shinning smelling like about two hundred dollars of perfume spilled on them. Then you sometimes get to know them and the shell has a crack, look in is the grass really greener on the other side . Don't get me wrong i love the ladies but i think if you wanna meet someone and be truthful the whole way why all the bullshit dating games? I think society has people geared to think that way to make it all seem better than it really is. Why sugar coat the truth because people these days cannot handle the truth the are so used to being PC and not wanting to offend anyone that society has become this big sissy we have to appease or they will get upset. These are just some of the reasons that i have a real problem with people in general these days. No respect not a care for the person beside them as long as they can step on you on their way to the top.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Just Another Sunday Night

They say be careful what you wish for it may just come true. Me being a snow lover and avid snowmobile rider have been wishing for a good snow this season and boy did we get one ! Friday mid afternoon it started with little flurries, a light snow , blowing around as the cars passed along the roads. As the day went longer the snow seemed to pick up its pace as well as change its texture to a more wet heavy flake. Darkness fell and so did the snow heavy wet flakes falling at a rate of 2-3 inches an hour. As i sat inside watching the snow got more intense than i have seen in years. After waiting til around midnight and after a brief nap i was off to go out and play in this white beauty. Now it was snowing intensely, sometimes sideways as the wind blew it like white sheets flapping in a warm summers breeze. I had cleared my sidewalks twice already and there was now another 3-4 inches on the walks again. As i geared up putting on layers off warm clothing i could hear the sounds of other snowmobiles racing up and down the roads. In my township they don't tend to get to the roads to quick so what snow had fallen so far was now 9- 10 inches and had not been plowed yet. The roads were empty of cars and noisy tractor trailers.
It felt as if i was the only one moving about everyone else snow bound in their homes. We rode all through the night and into the morning stopping only for gas and a short and much needed bathroom stop. We ended up eating breakfast at a waffle outside of Baltimore keeping in my mind i live in pa, about 70 miles from there. After eating and refueling for the long and tiresome ride home we headed out. First we rode straight up rt. 83 to york and dropped a few friends there then back to Dover to an others house, finally ending up home around 11:45 sat morning . Not realizing what i was coming home to as i pulling in to realize wow i now have to shovel this freaking mess. After taking a nice nine hour power nap and a long, hot shower i felt ready to conquer the task at hand. So i drove to Lowe's in Hanover and bought a snow blower and had the job done in 20 minutes . I bet you thought i was really going somewhere with this story but nope!! All yeah the Superbowl was good happy Monday A...B......C..... ya