Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday Evening Post

Not really sure what to post here or yet how i really feel about this whole blog thing. So i guess for my first blog i will just lay out some of my pros and cons of blogging. As much as people differ in the world so do each individuals opinions and values on certain matters. Just because you have the right to do something or say something and remain protected doesn't in every ones minds make it right.

I do agree that each person has the right to be heard and to voice their own opinion on things that matter to them. Blogging does give you that freedom and allows almost exclusive ability to hide their idenity. I think some of the blogs that are set up for support of a family's hard times with a cancer patient or a family's with members overseas in war zones are awesome. Allowing someone to type even one word to say hi or just to voice their feelings for the day may in some ways be just the thing that's gets them by. Blogging allows you to see that there are other people in the world that are having tough times that may be affecting your own life. As well as for you to maybe get free advice or knowledge on a subject that you normally would not feel comfortable talking to someone about. Again these are just some of my thoughts on the support of blogging.

As many pros for blogging there are, i think you can find just as many cons to support the subject. If you always put your thoughts out for the public to see then do you really have any privacy. When you blog and start to gain and audience people then start to form a opinion of you, what you may look like, or dress like, your income level, education level. Here is where i don't care for blogging when someone whom you have never met suddenly finds out that's its you they are reading and wants to change the way you view things or say your mean for feeling the way you do on a certain subject. In my opinion writing in general is someones most intimate thoughts or impressions and should never be up for public view. Could you imagine if you blogged for a month that all you did was use people or do horrible things, steal, use drugs whatever and then after that month you revealed your identity what kind of hate mail you would get. People would instantly judge you based on what you wrote and without a question as to the truth of the writings they would have already formed their own opinion of what you look like, drive, and how much money you make in a year.Just because someone blogs it doesn't mean its the truth or you have the right to judge them.

Thanks for taking the time to read my feeling on this matter. As i hope it has enlightened you to the free space you have to fill someones head with complete and utter bullshit that you know nothing about or the opportunity to piss off and ruin a persons day that you have never met before in your life. One thing for certain i am dam glad that at least we have the right to do this to each other in this great land we call U.S.A.

1 comment:

  1. As with anything, there are pros and cons, and I think you certainly pointed out some with blogging.

    I also like how you brought up about audience and people's perceptions of "the blogger"-- as person who they "know" through their posting, but don't really know. While it may make us feel vunerable, letting people into our thoughts has been going on since the craft of writing has been conceptualized. Really, even pre-writing great, such as Socrates and Homer (if you believe he is one person) used their voice to speak out against great injustices of their time--even though it was unpopular to do so. When people were afraid to use their real names, they created works of fiction--yet within that fiction was thinly veiled musings on the state of the world, or created psedonyms to write under.

    What I think blogging does for us is to let us have this wonderful freedom of expression WITHOUT having a book contract or being someone famous. We are just everday, ordinary, people in a way, voicing our thoughts on the public forum much like Plato and the other greats did centuries before us. Except this time--the whole world is watching.

    (as if you couldnt tell, you've really probed a significant thought in my mind here...and I'm glad you did!)
